Mother Muse - Chapter Five

For the latest instalment of 'Mother Muse', we chat to Candice Lake, international photographer, style editor for Vogue Finland and Mum to her three beautiful children.

Tell us a bit about yourself.

‘I was always inspired to create – forever in the garage with my father as a child, inventing things,’ says Candice Lake. The model-turned-photographer and designer was scouted while attending law school and moved from her native Sydney to New York – ‘the prospect of a ticket to see the world was incredibly alluring,’ she says. She quickly became the face of Ralph Lauren, was shot for Vogue and walked in countless runway shows. Then, a campaign with photographer Steven Meisel for Versace triggered a new direction. ‘He only took 10 to 15 frames, I thought for sure I’d been dropped,’ she says. ‘Months later I saw myself on a billboard – it looked so different to how I’d seen the shoot. I knew at that moment it was what I wanted to do with my life.’ As a photographer I have shot for Cartier, Tiffany & Co, Louis Vuitton, Jimmy Choo Vogue...
What do you love about the city you are living in?

The thing I love most about living near Hampstead Heath in London, is that it’s incredibly close to get into the town, but it feels like we live in the country - so I feel that it is the best of both worlds.  My children get to grow up as if living in the country and we still get to enjoy the best of London

What is your daily routine?

I try and push 30 hours of activity into 24 hours.  I work as a photographer and run my own company, whilst juggling 3 small children, so it is incredibly busy. One thing that is a non negotiable is that if I am in London, I will always try to be home for family dinner at 5pm.  Even if I have another dinner after the children go to bed, we always try to have dinner together each night.  My family always did this, as did my husbands, and it is one of the best ways we find to connect with our children.

What are your favourite activities at home and out and about?

We love gardening!  Our children have their own patches in the garden that they are responsible for - it is incredible to watch them.  We love walking through the woods and having picnics in the Heath.  My favourite thing to do is to swim in the Heath ponds or the Lido.  I also am not adverse a great night out!

What are your favourite cafes and restaurants in your area you like to visit? 

I love the Wolseley in Mayfair - perfect for anytime day or night and you can arrive in sweats or a ballgown and feel right at home!, Lemonia in Primrose Hill, Sourdough sophia in Crouch End for the best pastries I have ever tried in my LIFE, Jinkichi in Hamstead Heath for amazing Japanese.
Share your insights on mealtimes/snacks for kids. 

My kids have always been on a primarily plant based diet with some organic meats.  I feel really strongly about ensuring my kids eat really well and consistently.  Because we have always been so consistent with this, our kids literally eat everything and anything - and are not afraid to try any style of food.  We have never subscribed to feeding our children separate foods from us, at separate times - we always eat together as a family.  We don’t really do snacks and our pudding is medjool dates/ dried apricots/ fruit.  Our kids get the occasional ice cream in summer of course, but are not crazy about begging us for snacks all the time!

How would you describe your fashion style?

I have always LOVED fashion and getting dressed.  For me, clothes are like armour and have a power to change your mood and the way the world perceives you and the way you show yourself to the world.  I love the power that a good outfit has.  I love strong coats, flat shoes that you can run in all day, a great high waisted pant all in camels.

What is your dream getaway?

I love our trips to Ibiza - we basically live on the top of a mountain in the north for a month each year and just go to tiny little local beaches that are empty until midday.  It’s pure heaven.

What is the greatest lesson your mother taught you? 

to never give up. no matter what, if you believe in yourself, you will always succeed.

What has been your proudest moment ?

Having my three children and watching them grow.

Your daily inspiration and what inspires you?

I am so inspired by our walks to school through the Heath and the changing seasons. It is quite magical as an Finlandn who grew up with limited changes in season, to witness how dramatically the vegetation changes. It’s pure magic.

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